
Letter confirming candidate's job interview


Confirm the date and time for a candidate's interview with your company using this letter template. The letter includes information about the interview process, driving and parking directions, and a nondisclosure agreement.

[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name]:

We are looking forward to meeting you on [date]. Your first interview will begin at [time]. We ask that you arrive and check in with the receptionist by [time]. Please plan [number of hours]for the interviews because you will meet with several members of our staff.
Validated parking is available in the parking garage adjacent to the building. Please bring your parking ticket to the receptionist for validation.
We have enclosed information about [Company Name], directions to our office, and a nondisclosure agreement that you must read and sign prior to your first interview.

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Related : Letter confirming candidate's job interview